Labour Day Resolutions

Labour Day Resolutions

I always thought of Labour Day as more of a new beginning than New Year’s Day. There is a seasonal change: the carefree days of summer give way to cooler, more productive and contemplative days. There is a strong feeling of a fresh start: whether it be at school or at work or otherwise.

That led me to consider Labour Day resolutions. Apparently, I am not alone. An internet search of “labour day resolutions” (or “labor day resolutions”) leads to thousands of results.

Resolve to be better in the months ahead. A study has shown that those wanting to change their behavior are ten times more likely to do so where they make a resolution to do so, compared to those who do not make resolutions.

When making resolutions, experts advise us to set realistic goals. Further, don’t be deterred by slip ups. Look at slip ups or lapses as bumps, not walls.

Each of us has areas where we can improve. I won’t tell you what your resolutions should be. (Although I do make a detailed list of resolutions for my kids each year. One of the resolutions is that they should resolve to be more receptive and appreciative of my list of resolutions.)

However, if you need suggestions, consider the Labour Day resolutions suggested by Heinz Marketing. They include:

  1. Spend more time on the phone (as opposed to texting or emailing);
  2. Spend at least one hour a day on focused reading;
  3. Spend at least 30 minutes a day on networking;
  4. Complete the day’s most important task before checking your email;
  5. Read the Wall Street Journal every day; and
  6. Take at least 10,000 steps every day.

Have a great Labour Day weekend and enjoy the year ahead.

Paul Trudelle

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