Weekend Watchlist: 5 Movies about Trusts, Estates and Guardianship

Weekend Watchlist: 5 Movies about Trusts, Estates and Guardianship

As you begin to settle down for a restful weekend, you may want to watch one of the films suggested below that explore issues of trusts, estates and guardianship:

Knives Out

A modern take on the classic murder mystery, this film centres around the death of a wealthy and famous novelist and his beneficiary family members. Along the way are unforeseen twists, complex family dynamics, and a scene involving a dramatic reading of the Will. The intriguing plotline is bolstered by a star-studded cast (Daniel Craig, Jamie Lee Curtis and the late Christopher Plummer), who portray a labyrinthine estate planning conflict that you won’t want to miss. If you enjoy this film be sure to check out its 2022 sequel

Rain Man

Selfish car dealer Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) finds out that his estranged father has passed away and left his $3 million estate to his autistic brother Raymond (Dustin Hoffman), whom he did not previously know about. Motivated by his father’s money, Charlie checks Raymond out of his care facility to embark on a cross-country journey that ends up changing both of their lives. Although Charlie first sets out with greedy and malicious intentions, the brothers end up forming a close bond and Charlie experiences a positive morality shift along the way.

The Descendants

Matt King (George Clooney) finds himself in an unenviable position as trustee of the King Family Trust, which owns 25,000 acres of picturesque island land. Owing to the rule against perpetuities, the Trust will expire in seven years’ time, and Matt is tasked with coordinating negotiations between the King family members as to what shall be done with the land. This film serves as a reminder of the often immense responsibilities placed upon trustees.

Framing Britney Spears

This 2021 New York Times documentary follows pop star Britney Spears from her rise to fame until a series of public breakdowns in the mid-2000s, which prompted her father to place her under a conservatorship (the American equivalent of a guardianship of property) that lasted through 2021. This documentary was released amid massive public outcry over Britney’s inability to make her own decisions, and may have played a key role in the conservatorship coming to an end.

Mr. Deeds

Adam Sandler plays Longfellow Deeds, a kind and unassuming man operating a restaurant in a small New Hampshire town. Mr. Deeds experiences a significant chance in circumstances when he discovers that a distant relative left him a $40 billion fortune. Inundated with attention from local reporters drawn to the story, Mr. Deeds does his best to maintain his humble disposition in the face of uninvited scrutiny. This film is certainly the most lighthearted option on our list.

Thank you for reading and have a great weekend!



“The Top 8 Estate Planning Movies to Watch in 2022”, Trust and Will, online.

“Netflix & Will: Binge-Worthy Movies, Shows and Podcasts about Estate Planning”, Trust and Will, online.

“10 Best Films About Inheritance to Watch During Lockdown”, Simple Will, online.

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