Labour Day Resolutions 

Labour Day Resolutions 

On Labour Day, 2019, I blogged on my belief that Labour Day is more of a new beginning than New Year’s Day, and deserved its own resolutions. On Labour Day, 2020, I got lazy, and reprinted my resolutions from 2020. This year, I thought I would present some fresh resolutions for your consideration. 

Borrowing from Twitter posts from Sahil Bloom, who tweets on learning, decision making, productivity, health and more, try to avoid or eliminate the following: 

  1. Toxic relationships 

Avoid people who bring you down or hold you back. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and help you push forward. 

  1.  “If/then” traps 

“If I can only achieve X, then I will finally be happy.” Maybe. Maybe not. Find happiness along the way. 

  1. Comparisons 

Bloom says that comparisons will always tell you that you are not enough. Avoid them.  

  1. Complaints 

Complaining doesn’t get you where you want to go, and keeps you on the sidelines. Take action instead. 

  1. Inactivity 

Be active daily. Enough said. 

  1. Self-sabotage 

Lots of other people will try to pull you down. Don’t be one of them. 

  1. Ego 

Embrace your flaws.  

  1. Fake timelines 

Says Bloom: “We create these fake timelines on which we think we have to live our lives. They are mostly arbitrary nonsense. Be curious and spend time with great people. The rest will take care of itself.” 

  1. Sugar 

So much has been written about how sugar (and processed food) rob you of health and vitality. 

  1. Excuses 

Be accountable and take ownership. We know what Platoon has to say about excuses. 

  1. Instant Gratification 

Bigger rewards can come from long-term goals.   

  1. Overthinking 

Overthinking can delay action; particularly with easily reversible, low-cost decisions. 

Thanks for reading and have a great Labour Day Weekend. 

Paul Trudelle 

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