Post-Pandemic Return to Work – Five Ways to Prepare Our Pets

Post-Pandemic Return to Work – Five Ways to Prepare Our Pets

No doubt, the pandemic has changed how we work. After more than two years of challenging times, we have reached the sunny days of Spring and lockdowns feel like a thing of the past. People are slowly returning to work. For estate litigators, yesterday’s blog reviewed the new court procedures that have come into effect, with certain proceedings changing from presumptively virtual to presumptively in-person. These adjustments may impact lawyers, as well as their beloved pets, as it may mean more days in the office and away from home. Below are five tips on how to prepare pets for returning to the office:

  1. Create a new routine – Implement the same routine you would follow if you were working at the office daily, so your pets have fixed times for walks, meals, exercise and play. Your pets will learn to expect the routine each day, making the return to work less jarring.

  1. Try mock departures – Practice short departures of an hour or two and gradually increase the duration as your pets show they can cope with you being away. Monitor their behaviour, adjust accordingly, and praise them when you get home.

  1. Prevent boredom – Your pets will be more occupied with small treats or toys to play with when you leave the house. Some owners distract their pets with music or TV or dog-friendly puzzle toys.

  1. More Exercise – Increase exercise before you leave for work. Tired pets will spend more time sleeping than building anxiety.

  1. Walker / Pet daycare – Dog walkers can be of vital service when you are gone for longer stretches of time. Using a daycare is also a great way to give pets a safe space to get social and play when you are not there. Selecting a daycare that takes the needed COVID-19 precautions is recommended.

Our pets support us at home, and by utilizing these tips we can help them adjust to the post-pandemic return to work. For articles with more on the above tips please look here and here.

Thanks for reading and have a great day,

Natalia Angelini

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