The Curious Case of the Ottawa Lawyer and the Russian Singer 

The Curious Case of the Ottawa Lawyer and the Russian Singer 

I recently came across the endorsement of Regional Senior Justice MacLeod in Re Estate of Tanya Claudia Davies, 2022 ONSC 2009 (CanLII). 

According to the endorsement, Ms. Davies was a well-known family lawyer in Ottawa. She died of COVID-19 in Las Vegas on September 25, 2021.  

Ms. Davies was recognized as a “Professional of the Year for 2017” by Strathmore’s Who’s Who Worldwide for her outstanding contributions to the field of law. 

The endorsement was in relation to an application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee made by Ms. Davies’ parents. In the application, the parents swore that Ms. Davies was never married, and did not have children, and that the parents were her sole heirs on an intestacy. 

The parents sought to dispense with an administration bond. The court noted that there was no reference in the application or in the list of assets and debts to Ms. Davies’ law practice. The court required further information about the status of the law practice, and any assets or liabilities. 

More curious, however, were the court’s comments on Ms. Davies’ circumstances. The court notes that there was no evidence on what Ms. Davies was doing in Las Vegas. The court noted that “the court was advised on an earlier date in the context of certain proceedings in which Ms. Davies was counsel that she was married in Las Vegas prior to her death. There is no indication as to where this evidence came from or how it was before the court. 

The court also mentioned that “Reports of a marriage to a Russian citizen were also circulating on the internet.” The court referred to a Wikipedia page of Prokhor Chaliapin, which indicated that he married Tanya Davies on July 31, 2021. Again, there is no indication as to where this evidence came from or how it was before the court. 

In doing my own quick internet search, I came across several reports, including: 

–  The Wikipedia page of Prokhor Chaliapin, which states that he is a 38 hear old Russian singer, media personality and television presenter. The page refers to his marriage to Ms. Davies in Las Vegas on July 31, 2021. There are references to Russian media reports, which have photos of the event;

A report says that the couple spent 15m rubles (or $235,000 CDN as of July 31, 2021 conversion rates) on the wedding; 

– A World Today News report, where Mr. Chaliapin is said to be suspected of poisoning Ms. Davies, who is said to be a “Canadian millionaire”;

In an article in Chernayakobra, where Mr. Chaliapin is quoted as saying that “Tatiana Davis’s parents are like relatives and he will not be able to leave them. Despite a decent distance, he is always in touch with them and provides support”;

Yet another report in E Prime Feed that says that Mr. Chaliapin was said to have found “solace” in a relationship with a woman 39 years older than him, just five months after his wife’s death. 

I have not confirmed the veracity of any of the referenced reports. Many of the reports refer to Ms. Davies as “Davis”. 

The court acknowledged that rumours and internet postings do not establish facts. However, the court has a supervisory jurisdiction over the administration of estates and an obligation with respect to winding up the affairs of lawyers who are officers of the court. 

The application to dispense with the bond was adjourned to an oral hearing, and the application for the certificate of appointment was stayed pending notice to anyone who might reasonably be entitled to notice. The parents were also directed to advertise for a Will, and to give notice to the Law Society of Ontario and LAWPRO to determine if there are additional debts, liabilities or assets. 

Thank you for reading. 

Paul Trudelle 

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