Hull & Hull LLP is very much looking forward to the upcoming Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario’s (FDRIO) 10th Annual Conference, November 21, 2024 at the Ismaili Centre. This year’s conference theme is ‘The FDR Toolbox – Tools to Sharpen Your Skills… from Apprentice to Experienced Professional’.
Hull & Hull’s Nick Esterbauer is co-chairing the conference with Elizabeth Hyde and our Geoffrey Sculthorpe is serving on the conference planning committee. We are proud to support the conference as Silver Sponsor.
Ian Hull will be speaking at the conference on the topic of “Screening for Mental Capacity & Undue Influence in Your Practice” with Dr. Kenneth Shulman and Julie Gill.
Join us, your colleagues, and the great roster of presenters, including keynote speaker, Justice Lene Madsen, who has recently been appointed to the Ontario Court of Appeal.
Follow this link for a full agenda and to register online at:
We look forward to seeing you November 21st!